Information regarding the capstone project is available on top of this web page. Information has been kept deliberately sparse to encourage you to think about what is relevant to your work and your institution and how you might use this opportunity to instigate change in your workplace. We are always very happy to discuss project ideas.
The word count is meant as a guide only and as an indicator of the amount of time and work that is expected for the project. Clearly if your project is presented as a (very) long essay or mini-thesis then the word count is relevant. However, if you include video, podcasts, information brochures, posters, business plans etc the assessors will make an assessment of the time that was likely involved in preparing such resources.
Referencing is required for all submitted text Vancouver style
You are welcome to engage the services of a statistician if necessary but unfortunately, we can't provide this service. Clearly their work should not be represented as your own. Please refer to the Monash Uni Software Catalogue for more information about available software which can be used as a Monash University student.
Please contact us during 9AM – 5PM AEST weekdays via
03 9903 0321 or email