Master of Perioperative Medicine M6033

Department of Anaesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine

Capstone Project FAQ

Is the only information about what the capstone project needs to entail available on the Masters website or is there more dedicated information elsewhere?

Information regarding the capstone project is available on top of this web page. Information has been kept deliberately sparse to encourage you to think about what is relevant to your work and your institution and how you might use this opportunity to instigate change in your workplace. We are always very happy to discuss project ideas.

What does ‘Word count 6000 words (or equivalent)’ mean?

The word count is meant as a guide only and as an indicator of the amount of time and work that is expected for the project. Clearly if your project is presented as a (very) long essay or mini-thesis then the word count is relevant. However, if you include video, podcasts, information brochures, posters, business plans etc the assessors will make an assessment of the time that was likely involved in preparing such resources.

Does my project need references?


Referencing is required for all submitted text Vancouver style

Can students access a statistician as part of working on the capstone project?

You are welcome to engage the services of a statistician if necessary but unfortunately, we can't provide this service. Clearly their work should not be represented as your own. Please refer to the Monash Uni Software Catalogue for more information about available software which can be used as a Monash University student.

Can you provide examples of capstone projects undertaken by past students?
  • Development of a protocol for the care of #NOF patient.
  • Development/extension of a perioperative medicine service for a hospital or a subgroup of patients (elderly, complex urology, hip fractures etc).
  • Development of a geriatrician led perioperative service in a regional hospital.
  • The association between post-anaesthetic care unit length of stay and post-operative deterioration.
  • PCA and its effect on postoperative outcomes in older cohort of patients undergoing elective orthopaedic surgeries.
  • Proposal to introduce point of care (viscoelastic) testing at a tertiary hospital.
  • Prehabilitation for older patients having surgery.
  • PAC training module for junior doctors.
  • iSAP on complex geriatric patient concentrating on frailty and surgical outcomes, and advance care planning.
  • The development of an ERAS/perioperative medicine pathway for major urology patients.
  • Audit of time to surgery of patients with diabetic foot ulcers.
  • The development of an ERAS/perioperative medicine pathway for major urology patients.
  • Implementation of an Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Protocol for Cardiac Surgery.
  • Factors associated with postoperative blood transfusions following renal transplantation.
  • Anaesthetist led information sessions for obstetric patients on epidural analgesia during labour.
  • ISAP - Management of a Jefferson's fracture in the context of dementia and newly diagnosed progressive supranuclear palsy.
  • Assessing the risk factor for perioperative AKI and analysing the validity of simple postoperative AKI risk (SPARK) classification before non-cardiac surgery.
  • Fit testing of N95 respirator for anaesthetist and anaesthetic nurses.
  • Perioperative pathway for patients having elective hip and knee arthroplasty surgery.
  • Perioperative management of the palliative patient undergoing surgery.
  • What are the benefits of pre-assessment clinics?.
  • Analysis of Patient Selection for Rapid COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) Testing
  • Neuromuscular Monitoring Project.
My question is not listed here

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